Metamorphic: Embracing constant change
The business environment is always in motion, and business relationships as well as business models are in a constant state of flux. Metamorphic indicates this ever-changing nature of shifting partnerships, alliances, sectors, and entire markets. Based on a metamorphic paradigm, companies are in continuous movement, and they may actively influence and shape the business environment. What may have been true some time ago may no longer be true today. Thus, executives and managers need to constantly reevaluate and realign their companies’ positioning, relationships, processes, and structures. To thrive in this state of impermanence, companies must further hone their agility, innovation as well as progressive and pragmatic thinking. Grounded in a clear vision and purpose, they need to embrace change like a nomadic lifestyle without a permanent home or fixed location.
Overheated: Performing under pressureIn light of growing nervousness, excitement, and agitation, companies are under constant pressure to meet stakeholder expectations by delivering more results faster. There is increasing competition from new players worldwide, and these evolutions continually call for speed, efficiency, and strong results. Beyond this ever more challenging business context, overheating also indicates the importance of societal and cultural trends that lead to nervous and radical reactions in many parts of society and the world. From shitstorms on social media to other public scandals and excitement, this aggressive and high-pressure environment seems to be close to overboiling in many ways. In such a context, companies need to be at peace with themselves to avoid organizational burnout while enabling a culture that promotes sustainable growth in the long run rather than overemphasizing quick wins at short notice despite the constant pressure.
Preparing for the PUMO worldCompanies have faced the challenges of the PUMO environment for some time already, but the characteristics and consequences of this new business landscape are becoming more and more evident now. Therefore, it is crucial to start preparing for the implications of the PUMO world immediately, in the business context and beyond. Preparing for the variety of implications is not just a matter of avoiding threats to survive in the long run. Instead, the PUMO environment also brings multiple new opportunities, especially for innovation and strategy renewal. The capability to maneuver in a polarized landscape, to anticipate unthinkable scenarios, to embrace metamorphic change, and to perform in an overheated environment requires forward-thinking strategic leadership – at individual, team, unit, organizational, and interorganizational levels.
Most probably, fortune will favor the prepared executive and organization. However, successfully positioning and regularly repositioning a company in the PUMO era brings strategic challenges to a whole new level. At the same time, there may be unprecedented opportunities. To thrive in PUMO settings, companies must ensure that they do not lose sight of the forest for the trees. Paradoxically, this requires regularly returning to the basics of corporate and business strategy. In fact, there are systematic ways and tools for strategy development and execution which have proven effective and efficient in many projects. For a free initial discussion about the implications of the PUMO world for your organization or about a workshop or keynote (in English or German), please contact me